Long Term Care

Family Council


The Family Council, composed of families and friends of residents, serves as a support group, as well as a liaison between families, staff, and management. The council is dedicated to the promotion and improvement of health, welfare and quality of life for all residents in the home. The Family Council informs and educates families, shares ideas for the purpose of problem solving, maintains two-way communication between families and the facility, advocates on behalf of all residents and families and provides mutual support for family and friends of residents including those that are new to the facility.

These terms should be included in the Council’s terms of reference.


  1. Members of the Family Council shall be: A friend or relative of a resident in the facility.
  2. Officers of the Council shall be the Chairperson and Co-chairperson
  3. The Chairperson shall preside over all meetings. In the event of his/her absence, the Co-Chairperson shall preside.
  4. A Nominating chairperson shall be selected by the Council who will then select his/her committee to make a selection of candidates to present to the membership for election.
  5. Members are encouraged to volunteer on their own initiative to be considered for office.