Application Form for MARKET RENT Housing

Please fill out all sections of this form.

Note: All applicants applying for housing with the Hellenic Home for the Aged Inc., must be 59 years of age or older and must be of Greek descent.


The Hellenic Home for the Aged Inc. will ensure that all applicants to the Hellenic Home for the Aged Inc. will be treated in a fair, consistent and accurate manner. The Hellenic Home for the Aged Inc. will further ensure that all personal information remains confidential.




Name Relationship To You Date of Birth
Day Month Year
Ontario Health Card Number


– List all monies being received by you and all persons who will be living with you. Please see “Instruction Page” for examples of types of income. Use extra paper, if needed.

NAME Applicant #1 Applicant # 2 GROSS INCOME PER MONTH $
Canada Pension Plan
Old Age Security
Retirement Pension
Employment Income
Disability Allowance
Grand Total


– – List all assets owned by you and all persons who will be living with you. Please see “Instruction Page” for examples of types of assets. Use extra paper if needed.

TYPE OF ASSET Applicant #1 Applicant # 2 VALUE $
Grand Total


Does any member of your household have “Special Needs” that require the following?

Any medical condition(s) that you feel we should be aware of, that may impede your abilities to perform your daily living activities, please explain:

Please Explain:


People in this building are supposed to be able to live independently with or without external supports. Do you believe that you and your co-applicant can live independently?


Please answer the following questions, as to how you and your co-applicant manage with the following essential day-today activities:


APPLICANT #2 (co-applicant)


Please list a person we can contact on your behalf


– List all previous addresses for the past 5 years.


– List all previous addresses for the past 5 years.

Subject to the other terms of this application, the above information is strictly confidential and will not be released by us except where such information is to be relied upon by us in any legal proceedings, or must otherwise be produced in accordance with relevant law.

Applicant’s Acknowledgement

The undersigned acknowledges that Hellenic Home for the Aged Inc. apartment units are not a nursing home and that to be accepted as a tenant and to remain a tenant the undersigned must be able to either (a) manage on her/his own and be in good health or (b) make arrangements satisfactory to Hellenic Home for the Aged Inc. to receive all appropriate support services from a service agency in the community. Tenants are responsible to care for her/his personal needs, and if the time should come that any tenant (a) is not able to care for her/his personal needs or (b) has not made arrangements satisfactory to Hellenic Home for the Aged Inc. to receive all appropriate support services from a service agency in the community, then it shall be necessary for such tenant to find accommodation elsewhere and vacate the premises.

Information Consent

The undersigned consents to Hellenic Home for the Aged Inc., obtaining such information as may be deemed necessary at any time in connection with the undersigned in respect of her/his application for the above premises being applied for herein and for any renewal or extension thereof. The undersigned also consents to the disclosure of any information concerning the undersigned and the sharing or exchange of information concerning the undersigned, with and to (a) any credit reporting agency or to any person to whom the undersigned has or proposed to have financial relations and to Hellenic Home for the Aged Inc. obtaining a credit report concerning the undersigned and/or (b) any physician or other health care professional.The undersigned agrees to provide to Hellenic Home for the Aged Inc. satisfactory evidence of age, health, income and Canadian Residency.


In accordance with s.99(3) of the Social Housing Reform Act, 2000, 11 and 39 Winona Drive’s mandate is to serve Seniors of Greek Origin. This agreement is fully recognized by the City of Toronto and administration and operations will be consistent with the mandate.

With your application please ensure you have enclosed a copy of any one of the following documents:

  • Greek Passport
  • Birth Certificate
  • Permanent Resident Status (Taftotita)

A $30.00 nonrefundable deposit is required for administration costs. Please enter your credit card information below.

Credit Card Information

Instruction Page

Income information

Report all of the gross monthly income (before deductions) and estimated value of assets owned for each member of your household. You do not have to attach proof with this application, but it will be required later.

Income Information includes money from:

  • Employment and Self Employment
  • Ontario Works
  • Ontario Disability Support Program
  • Employment Insurance
  • Old Age Security
  • Canada Pension Plan
  • Other income
  • Foreign Pension

Assets Information

Types of Assets include any savings, investments or property that you own such as:

  • Guaranteed Income Certificates
  • Bank accounts
  • Registered Retirement Saving Plans
  • A business or business licence
  • Real estate such as a house, land, or a farm